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Главная » Последние новости » Нина Добрев показала пикантные фото со съемок «Дневников вампира» и попрощалась с «семьей»

Нина Добрев показала пикантные фото со съемок «Дневников вампира» и попрощалась с «семьей»


Актриса Нина Добрев поделилась на своей странице в Instagram интересными снимками со съемок сериала «Дневники вампира». Девушка отметила всех, кто долгих 8 лет вместе с ней проходил этот путь.

«Дневники вампира» завершился – 11 марта вышла последняя серия 8 сезона

В связи с этим Нина посвятила несколько больших публикаций о актерах и создателях сериала. Роль Елены Гилберт стала для Нины очень важной – за 6 лет съемок она нашла много друзей и даже 3 года встречалась с коллегой по работе, Йеном Сомерхолдером. Создатели сериала стали для нее как родители, призналась Нина в Инстаграме.


My creators. I love you more than my parents. (Don't tell my parents). What a journey this has been. From the moment I met you, we became a family we began a journey that will last a life time. I'm eternally grateful for your support and love, this opportunity has been life changing and I owe it it all to you. Thank you for believing in me every step of the way. From the first audition, to the screen tests, to the fang fittings, to the time you made me a vampire, killed me (multiple times), brought me back to life (multiple times), put me into a coma and then brought me back one final time. I grew up on this show that we joked was "Twilight for TV". You are and will forever be my family. #TVDforever

Публикация от Nina Dobrev (@nina) Мар 10 2017 в 8:40 PST

Поделилась Нина и фото с женским кастом сериала – актрисами Кэндис Кинг, Катериной Грэхем и другими.


We started out as fetuses. Now we are women. The trips, adventures, and laughter I have shared with these beautiful souls makes me tear with joy. I love them more than I could ever explain or begin to put into words. Each of these photos is from season 1. We were all so young, and SO excited about the new and exciting show we had booked. And even more excited that we got to be a part of it together. It felt like we had this awesome little secret, no one had seen Vampire Diaries yet. But we couldn't wait to spill the beans, for the pilot to air so people could see it. We hoped so much that people would like it. Prayed that it would be a success and continue for many years. We got our wish. 8 seasons later, some are engaged, some married and some have fetuses of their own. These are incredible women and forces to be reckoned with. I'm so proud of you all. #FlowerPower #TVDForever

Публикация от Nina Dobrev (@nina) Мар 10 2017 в 6:49 PST

Целый пост Нина посвятила «своим мертвым братьям» Йену и Полу, которые тоже стали ее семьей.


My undead brothers... I thought vampires weren't supposed to age. Lol. We definitely don't look the same after 8 years, but the make up helped. Raising a glass to celebrate 8 wonderful seasons together, it has been such a beautiful (and liver damaging) adventure knowing you all. Cheers family. #TVDForever

Публикация от Nina Dobrev (@nina) Мар 10 2017 в 7:10 PST

Подписчики Нины бурно отреагировали на эти прощальные посты актрисы. Многие из них еще не смирились, что «Дневники вампира» 11 марта последний раз вышла на телеэкраны.


We had a bloody good time. #TVDForever #TheBloodSeries

Публикация от Nina Dobrev (@nina) Мар 10 2017 в 6:57 PST

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