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«Tiger Force» supported by Russian Air Force liberate Eastern Aleppo advancing to Raqqa border MAP

23.05.2017 - 16:23 Syrian Army liberated vast territories in the East of Aleppo province on Monday storming way forward to important sugar factory and neighbouring city of Ras-Аl-Ayn. Led by «Tiger Force» strom squad Syrian Arab Army liberated territory to the North of Sugar factory. They took favourable position for attacking that object located only 7 km to the North from the last ISIS* stronghold in the Eastern part of Aleppo. Tiger Force are attacking sugar factory and Ras-Аl-Ayn at the

«Tiger Force» supported by Russian Air Force liberate Eastern Aleppo advancing to Raqqa border MAP

IMPORTANT: «Tigers» and RuAF ousted ISIS from strategic airbase in East Aleppo

13.05.2017 - 13:06 Overnight into Saturday Syrian Army gained total control over Jirah military airbase in the East of Aleppo province. Led by Tiger Force Syrian Arab Army has been fighting ISIS for that strategic object during Friday. After almost 24 hours long battle governmental forces have liberated military airbase terrortiry from the militants. Terrorists retreated being not able to hold the airbase, they fled to Mascanah plains, right in the direction of SAA advance. «Тigers» were

IMPORTANT: «Tigers» and RuAF ousted ISIS from strategic airbase in East Aleppo
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